Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Unit 3

(page 26-27)
Exercise 1
Candy is not good for your teeth. It is specially bad for cildren’s teeth. If children eat a lot of candy, they will have problems later.

Large cars can cause problems. They are more difficult for park than small cars. They also use more gas.


In San Fransisco, the air is always a comfortable temperature. It is never too hot or too cold. It is perfect weather all year.

For √

Some peopletake many vitamin pills everyday. These people believe lost of vitamin pills are good for their health. But they are wrong. Too many vitamin pills can hurt your health.

For √

There is something sad about animals in the zoos. They never really look happy. Maybe they are thinking about teir real home. Maybe they do not like people looking at them all the time.

For √

Computers are very helpful for all kinds of work. They are usually quicker and more correct than people.

For √

Computers may cause serious problems in our world. Now it is possible to keep a lot of information on a computer. The people who have that information maybe dangerous.


“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” This is from popular song, but it is often true. Sometimes there are goods reasons to give children sugar or candy.

For √

Exercise 2
Many people believe that meat is an important food to eat. It is not true. You don’t need eat meat at all. In fact, you may be more healthly if you do not eat meat.

For Against √ .

Travel is not always fun. Often there are problems with transportation, language or hotels. It is also very tiring to travel, and you can easily get sick.

For Against √ .

Today it is better not to have a camera when you travel. A camera is heavy an difficult to carry. It is also not necessary. You can buy good picture postcards almost everywhere.

For Against √ .

A bicycle is the best way to see a country. It does not need gas. It is not expensive. And you also get some exercise at the same time you are travelling.

For √ Against .

Bicycle can be very dangerous. You can hurt yourself by falling of the bicycle. You can also get seriously hurt if you are hit by car.

For Against √ .

Everyone should learn another language. A second language is very useful these days. It may also teach you something about other people and places.

For √ Against .

It is not easy to move to another country. There may be problems with language or culture. It may be difficult to find job or a place to live. And in another country, you do not have family or friends to help.

For Against √ .

Music often makes you feel better about life. It can make you happy if you are sad. It can make you relax when you are nervous.

For √ Against .

(page 28-30)
Exercise 1
A paraket is a smallbird that lives in southern forest. The parrot is similar to a parakeet, but it is larger. Both birds sometimes can learn how to say words.
Listing time-order
√ Comparison cause-effect

Some kinds of birds cannot fly. The penguin is one of these birds. It lives mostly in the very cold Antartic climate. Another kind of bird cannot fly is the ostrich. It is live in Africa.
√ Listing time-order
Comparison cause-effect

Lisa plans to travel in Europe this summer. In June, she will visit Sicily.then in July, she will bicycle in northen Italy. In August, she will travel through France. By September, she will hopes to be in Paris.
Listing √ time-order
Comparison cause-effect

Headaches are often the result of phsycological causes. For example, worrying about somethings can cause a headaches.
Listing time-order
Comparison √ cause-effect

The clambake is a popular New England dinner. It usually includes many different kinds of seafood. Clame are the mostly common kinds of seafood at a clambake. There may also be lobster and mussels.
√ Listing time-order
Comparison cause-effect

Many people do not like to use computers for writing. They prefer to use typewriters. They know computers are faster and more accurate. But, they are more comfortable with typewriters.
Listing time-order
√ Comparison cause-effect

Gold was first found in California in about 1840. The next ten years in American history are called the Calofornia Gold Rush. Many people move to the west during those years to look for gold. By 1850, there were many new “Gold Rush” towns in California.
Listing time-order
Comparison √ cause-effect

Cola and ginger ale are boths kinds of soft drinks. Both these drinks have a lot of sugar in them. But Cola has caffein in it, and ginger ale does not.
Listing time-order
√ Comparison cause-effect

Exercise 2
Left Ericson was probably was probably the first European to see America. He visited some of the northern areas in about 1000. The next European visitor to America was Christoper Colombus in 1492.
Listing √ time-order
Comparison cause-effect

The Spanish kings and queens sent many people to find out about America. Christopers Colombus was one of these people. Ponce de Leon was another. And Vasco da Gama was yet a third.
√ Listing time-order
Comparison cause-effect

Leif Ericson Probably had a more difficult trip across the Atlantic Osean than Christoper Colombus. Ericson sailed across the cold northern part of the Atlantic. But Colombus sailed across the south where it was warmer.
Listing time-order
√ Comparison cause-effect

Many American Indians died soon after the Europeans arrived. There was one important reason for this. The Europeans brought new kinds of disease with them. These desease caused thousands of deaths in a short time.
Listing time-order
Comparison √ cause-effect

Some of the early Americans did not want to come to this country. For example, there were many Africans who had come as slaves. Some Europeans had to come for religious reasons.
Listing time-order
Comparison √ cause-effect

When you study for an exam, you should follow these three steps. First, you should make sure you have all the information you need. Next, you should put that information in order. Then you should make a list of the most important things.
√ Listing time-order
Comparison cause-effect

Some people belive that changes in the weather cause changes in their health. This may be the reason why many people get the “flu” in New England. In New england,the weather can change very suddenly.

Comparison √ cause-effect

(page 32-43)
The Ansewers of Exercise 1
There are 6 features in the magazines.
The title of the article on noise pollution is “The Trouble with Jet Skis”.
I can read about long lake on page 2.
There are 6 departements in the magazine.
Yes, it does. It is on page 17.
I can read about birds on page 23.
Yes, it does. His name is John Mitchell.
I can read about freshwater ponds on page 14.
The title of the article by Betsy Colburn is “Watcher at the Pond”.
The Article by Deborah Knight is on the page 6.

The Answers of Exercise 2
Item(s) Page(s)
Taste 53
Vocabulary v, 12, 28, 29, 33,37,61, 75, 92, 107, 126
Writing 63
Sound 75, 76, 131, 135, 148, 152, 156
Stereotype 9, 14, 53
Time magazine 118
University of Illinois 127, 128, 132
Andrew Wright 159
Garry trudeau 66

The Answers of Exercise 3
The ferry depart from Seattle at 7:00 AM.
The ferry depart from Victoria at 2:00 PM.
I cann’t take the ferry on a Wenesday in March or April.
There are two ferry trips everyday, during June 30, until September 14.
There are ferry trips only on the weekends, during October 1, until October 15.
The bill of a round trip for a student os $39.
A father and two litle children would pay $93 for round trip.
The lastest time that I can take a ferry from Victoria to Seattle is at 4:20 PM.
The ferry take to travel from Seattle to Victoria is about 5 hours more 20 minutes.
No, I cann’t. I cann’t take a ferry from Victoria at 4:20 PM in October.

Parts of Speech
(page 51)
The Ansewers of Exercise 1
In 1610, Galileo Galilei of Pisa, Italy, used his simple telescope and pointed it aat the
moon’s mountains and valleys.
Used = transitive verb
Simple = qualitative adjective
Telescope = countable noun
Pointed = transitive verb
Montains = countable verb
Valleys = countable verb

People who make a living by hunting birds can tell you that certain birds, because of their colour, can easily deceive you.
People = countable nouns
Make = transitive verb
Hunting = transitive verb
Tell = transitive verb
Certain = qualitative adjective
Birds = countable nouns
Colour = countable noun
Easily = qualitative adjective
Deceive = transitive verb

A cameleon can easily change colour so that it is difficult to distinguish it from its surroundings.
Cameleon = countable noun
Easily = qualitative adjective
Change = transitive verb
Colour = countable noun
Difficult = qualitative adjective
Distinguish = transitive verb
Surrounding = Noun (geround)

The acid which is produced by those gland cells is so strong that it can harm living cells.
Acid = countable noun
Produced = transitive verb
Gland = countable noun
Cells = countable nouns
So = subordinate conjunction
Strong = qualitative adjective
Harm = transitive verb
Living = Noun (geround)
Cells = countable nouns

The officer highest in rank in a foreign agency or an embassy is an ambassador who heads the embassy and represents his government in diplomacy or diplomatic affairs.
Officer = countable noun
Highest = qualitative adjective
Rank = adverb of place
Foreign = qualitative adjective
Agency = countable noun
Embassy = countable noun
Ambassador = countable noun
Heads = transitive verb
Embassy = countable noun
Ambassador = countable noun
Represents = transitive verb
Government = countable noun
Diplomacy = intransitive verb
Diplomatic = uncountable noun
Affairs = abstract noun

A legation is also a diplomat lower than an ambassador, and he represents his government in a foreign country.
Legation = countable noun
Diplomat = countable noun
Lower = qualitative adjective
Ambassador = countable noun
Represents = transitive verb
Government = countable noun
Foreign = qualitative adjective
Country = adverb of place

Such relations are important to maintain these countries’ national interest through international co-operation.
Relations = countable noun
Important = qualitative adjective
Maintain = transitive verb
countries’ = countable verb
national = countable noun
interest = qualitative adjective
international = adverb
co-operation = countable noun

He wished that he could have continued his study, but he could not; he had to earn money to support his family.
Wished = transitive verb
Family = countable noun
Support = transitive verb
Money = uncountable noun
Earn = transitive verb

However, when Sams was thirty years old and had had a great eal of experience, he moved to Fransisco, where he merried Olivia Langdon in 1870.
Years = adverb of time
Old = qualitative adjective
Had = auxiliary verb
Experience = countable noun
Moved = intransitive verb
Merried = transitive verb

Writing to a busy man requires that you state your business quickly and accurately, but courteously.
Writing = transitive verb
Busy = qualitative adjective
man = countable noun
requires = transitive verb
state = transitive verb
business = countable noun
quickly = qualitative adjective
accurately = qualitative adjective
courteously = qualitative adjective

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